
Sunday, April 5, 2020

In the midst of chaos I reside, a distant observer to my own life.
I am on a thought created dungeon, this calm endless sea.
Rowing voices of my oarsmen into the abyss,
me expressionless, at the bow of this ship.
Staring at the shimmering reflection of this star lit sky.
Every time I close my eyes, deserts, mountains,
lush green planes, life at its apex, all that is unseen.
I guess its time for me to go, I need to sleep.
A blurred vision of paper lanterns takes a fragile lift.
Edge of this earth where stars are formed.
A new moon is being forged,
Sun waiting to take a plunge.
You are late, Let’s do this.
To a new day, dawn.
dusk, dark again.
Chaos never settles.
It is we who will find a place.

I have recycled this couple of times, I think some of the lines might be stolen, which I recently learned is ok, “found poetry”. Though I can not remember where I read them, so that.


A Letter to Muse


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