Friday, April 10, 2020
Hello, Your uncanny faith in what we have, what developed along the way, to uncertainties ahead. Is most of my muse these days. I did not bring anything to the table, nothing beyond necessities. Yet you morphed whatever scrap we had, mold its concoction of an existence to a meaningful whole. You could have moved on, you could have ended it all, you can still just fade to a life of your own.…more
A Letter to Muse
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Dear Muse, Stuck in an endless loop of writing this letter and deleting it. Every time with a slightly different meaning, the goal? I am not clear on that. I simply can not get a grip on this untangled mess. Few of those letters had our differences listed, few emotionally charged, few aggressive, some more apologetic than others. That is not all, they even had profound shit like the utilitarian conclusion and stoic viewpoints.…more